Helping a creative human race
Drum Runners is listed on several other websites and it costs for some of them to be on there as they have high traffic to their websites. One enquiry on a U.K site attracted the attention of a school in Berlin in Germany and they enquired about the Junk Music Workshops. Originally I thought, they are not a U.K Client and then I thought about it and quickly realised that music and technology have no borders, so here was my reply and it serves as a good reminder as to why I do what I do.
>>> Hi {name}, many thanks for your email. The Junk Music Workshops use recycled materials to educate with rhythm and song both an eco awareness and demonstrates lateral thinking to deliver other curriculum subjects such as language, science, mathematics and physical education. In essence the Workshops are resourceful in the fact that multiple lessons can be delivered with one fun but educational activity. The evidence behind learning whilst moving is not new and more educationalists are now replacing conventional lesson plans in favour of learning through discovery and expression. In Wales this is being described as "Expressive Arts" and is fast gathering pace alongside Heritage projects which further builds confidence in students and develops pride and responsibility for local history and places. I hope this gives you a starting point to the use of junk music workshops as a way to appreciate the range of materials that could be upcycled into life skills to give purpose and meaning to your students. Best regards Paul
Sometimes as a creative I really do procrastinate, but at the back of mind I know that all the pieces of the puzzle will come together to make one unique picture that will complement my skill set. All my daily rhythms can take me in so many different directions that I sometimes miss out on the important part of doing what I do, drum workshops or just simply drumming on my own or with others. The latter has been a bit lacking lately due to lock down but I know its on its way back soon. In the meantime I have been very grateful for doing the one to one mentoring with the councils public health team and I am also giving more time to study and re-vamping the website and also writing / re-writing some of the songs ready for the recording studio. Looking forward to recording some of the range of hand drums that I have and getting some great rhythms recorded. I am looking at different Rumbas at the moment and got a simple percussion App for my phone to study on the go. Its called Percussion Tutor (for Apple / Android) and was recommended by a Percussionist on Youtube called dancepapi. I tend to switch between Latin and Arabic rhythm studies with the knowledge that most rhythms have a synergy and similarity with many other cultures. It is great to put a name to the rhythms as that helps remember them too but the importance of the rhythms is to celebrate a community being together to play aound the pulse. All sounds great so far and really looking forward to practising and playing more than ever before. ![]() If you too have been procrastinating then this is the blog link below that inspired this post. A gentle nudge to study and play more but again not to take it all too seriously as the real important part is the social angle and making people feel great about themselves using music as a vehicle and no matter your skill level (though skills can be built upon). Remember when you fall out of sync with life you may find a new rhythm. Did you find meaning in any skills over the lock downs or are you pursuing new skills? It would be great to hear from you.
Hope everyone is safe and well and welcome to Drum Runner's new blog and news. We want you to stay with us on what we are hoping to be the continuation of a marathon journey delivering music workshops and exciting resources.
The website is new but with 25 years experience behind us we have some great new projects lined up for 2021. So whats in the pipeline ...
Stay tuned for imminent news from Bath Carnival and how Drum Runners have been working with them on some interesting community outreach projects. We did some lockdown re-mixes which you can find at and we hope to have some great new additions and new creative ideas to get involved with next time around. Also there may be news of a new street band project coming soon to Bristol so dust off your instruments because you will be able to let yourself loose after lockdown. Sign up to our Newsletter and get a useful community mapping tool and then all will be revealed about plans for some feeder events towards a Dumpling Festival.
PaulPercussionist / Workshop Facilitator Archives